.Conf Special: Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook
To mark Splunk .conf 2017, Discovered Intelligence is pleased to announce that the second edition of the Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook will be available at a discount until October 31st, 2017!
To purchase this best-selling Splunk book simply navigate over to http://book.discoveredintelligence.ca and add the book to your online cart, upon checkout use the following promo codes:
- 40% discount code for the Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook – Second Edition eBook is E40SC217
- 10% discount code for the Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook – Second Edition print book is P10SC217
We will also have some free copies with us at .conf, so if you see us, stop and say hi and grab a free copy.
We hope you enjoy this amazing offer and keep on Splunking!
The Discovered Intelligence Team
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