
Splunk Enterprise 7.2 New Features

Splunk Enterprise 7.2 is the latest release from Splunk and was…
October 15, 2018/by Discovered Intelligence
Splunk Trust

Josh Diakun Inducted into the 2019 SplunkTrust

Discovered Intelligence is proud to announce that co-founder…
October 11, 2018/by Derek

Forecasting Time Series Data Using Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit – Part I

In this blog we will begin to show how Splunk and the Machine…
September 25, 2018/by Discovered Intelligence

Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook – Third Edition – Now Available

Looking to master your Operational data? Authored by leading…
September 17, 2018/by Derek

A Practical Example Using The Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit

In our previous blog we walked through steps on installing the…
June 7, 2018/by Discovered Intelligence

Creating an IoT Fleet Management Solution using Splunk

A week ago, I had the privilege of attending the annual Splunk…
May 11, 2018/by paul
IoT Hack-a-Thon Winner

Discovered Intelligence Wins IoT Hackathon

Paul and Dhiren from the Discovered Intelligence team won the…
May 8, 2018/by Discovered Intelligence

MIT Sloan Conference Rundown – The Challenges of Big Data Analytics

The 2018 MIT Sloan Conference wrapped up on February 4th in Boston,…
March 29, 2018/by paul

Getting Started With Splunk’s Machine Learning Toolkit

The Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) assists in applying…
January 2, 2018/by Discovered Intelligence

Discovered Intelligence Recognized as a 2017 Splunk Revolution Award Winner

Discovered Intelligence Receives Top Ecosystem Award at .conf2017:…
September 26, 2017/by Josh

Discovered Intelligence Featured in Splunk’s Partner+ Press Release

Here at Discovered Intelligence we are extremely proud to have…
September 25, 2017/by Josh

.Conf Special: Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook

To mark Splunk .conf 2017, Discovered Intelligence is pleased…
September 21, 2017/by Derek

Diving into Splunk Table Datasets

Splunk’s Table Datasets feature was first introduced in version…
September 19, 2017/by Discovered Intelligence

Homepage for Splunk – Our New App!

Homepage for Splunk
We are pleased to announce the release of…
July 11, 2017/by Discovered Intelligence

Meta Woot! App for Splunk Demo

In this short video, we demonstrate our Discovered Intelligence…
May 10, 2017/by paul

Splunk 6.6 New Features – Part IV – Trellis Layout Visualization

In this post, we will walk through some use cases and data formats…
May 10, 2017/by Discovered Intelligence