Sendresults Command for Splunk

sendresults is an immensely powerful, life-changing Splunk command developed by Discovered Intelligence, that allows you to send tabulated search results to individuals dynamically, based upon the data within the results. This means that you no longer need to hardcode an email into the search, but can evaluate the email addresses instead. Read more

Heartbleed Command for Splunk

heartbleedDiscovered Intelligence has developed a simple Splunk command for identifying Heartbleed vulnerabilities!

This CIM-Compliant Technology Add-on (TA-Heartbleed) contains a new heartbleedtest Splunk command that can be used to check your internal infrastructure and external websites for the recently announced Heartbleed vulnerability. Read more

How to Secure and Harden Splunk Enterprise

The following blog posting provides guidance on steps that can be taken to secure and harden Splunk environments. Many of the security feature essentially follow security best practices, while others would probably only be implemented if there was a business or regulatory need to do so. Read more

How to Query Hadoop in Splunk using DB Connect in 10 Simple Steps

Splunk DB Connect is designed to deliver reliable, scalable, real-time integration between Splunk Enterprise and relational databases. Essentially, it lets you query a relational database from within Splunk and return the results. As DB Connect leverages JDBC/ODBC to perform such a function, would it be possible to use DB Connect to query data sitting in Hadoop? Actually, yes… read on to find out more. Read more

Splunk’s Application for Enterprise Security Comes of Age

Splunk’s recently announced version 3.0 of its popular Splunk Application for Enterprise Security has come of age, delivering powerful functionality with a slick user experience. Read more

How to Stream Twitter into Splunk in 10 Simple Steps

So many people talk about the need to index tweets from twitter into Splunk, that I figured I would write a post to explain just how easy it is. Within 10 steps and a few minutes, you will be streaming real-time tweets into Splunk, with the fields all extracted and the twitter data fully searchable. Read more

The Incredible Hunk – Splunk Analytics for Hadoop

Splunk recently announced a new offering, called Hunk. This is essentially a tool that allows for the exploration, analysis and visualisation of data in Hadoop, using the powerful Splunk interface and search engine common to their Splunk Enterprise offering. Read more