Splunk’s Application for Enterprise Security Comes of Age

Splunk’s recently announced version 3.0 of its popular Splunk Application for Enterprise Security has come of age, delivering powerful functionality with a slick user experience. Read more

How to Stream Twitter into Splunk in 10 Simple Steps

So many people talk about the need to index tweets from twitter into Splunk, that I figured I would write a post to explain just how easy it is. Within 10 steps and a few minutes, you will be streaming real-time tweets into Splunk, with the fields all extracted and the twitter data fully searchable. Read more

The Incredible Hunk – Splunk Analytics for Hadoop

Splunk recently announced a new offering, called Hunk. This is essentially a tool that allows for the exploration, analysis and visualisation of data in Hadoop, using the powerful Splunk interface and search engine common to their Splunk Enterprise offering. Read more