Entries by Anoop Ramachandran

Deploying Cribl Workers in AWS ECS for Data Replay

Cribl Stream provides a flexible way of storing full-fidelity raw data into low-cost storage solutions like AWS S3 while sending a reduced/filtered/summarized version into Analytical Platforms for cost-effectiveness. In this blog post, I’ll walk you through setting up Cribl workers on AWS ECS and implementing dynamic auto scaling for seamless scale-out and scale-in as the […]

Get Excited About The Splunk Cloud ACS CLI

Splunk Cloud Admins rejoice! The Splunk Cloud ACS Command Line Interface is here! Originally, the Splunk Cloud Admin Config Service (ACS) was released in January 2021 to provide various self-service features for Splunk Cloud Admins. It was released as an API-based service that can be used for configuring IP allow lists, configuring outbound ports, managing […]

Solving Roaming Users: HTTP Out for the Splunk Universal Forwarder

The release of version 8.1.0 of the Splunk Universal Forwarder introduced a brand new feature to support sending data over HTTP. Traditionally, a Splunk Universal Forwarder uses the proprietary Splunk-to-Splunk (S2S) protocol for communicating with the Indexers. Using the ‘HTTP Out Sender for Universal Forwarder’ it can now send data to a Splunk Indexer using […]

Oops! You Indexed Sensitive Data in Splunk

Every organization deals with sensitive data like Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Customer Information, Propriety Business Information…etc. It is important to protect the access to sensitive data in Splunk to avoid any unnecessary exposure of it. Splunk provides ways to anonymize sensitive information prior to indexing through manual configuration and pattern matching. This way data is […]