Make Your Splunk Dashboards Smile! 😀
Recently a customer was reviewing asset information in Aura Asset Intelligence, our premium application for Splunk, and some interesting data showed up. Users had mobile devices that had emoji’s in their name of their device.

It was a bit surprising at first as it’s not what you would normally expect in a corporate IT environment, but after thinking about it, it’s perfectly normal to see – especially with companies fully adopting BYOD programs these days.
If you weren’t already aware, Splunk can handle different character sets. You can work with non-ascii characters in various different ways – including emojis! From indexing data, searches, alerts, and dashboards. Once you get into the world of non-ascii, you are dealing with Unicode. Unicode is a complex topic. There are many different concepts and terminology to keep straight. But that’s not really the point of this blog 😉 . For more information on Unicode you can start here.
It certainly gets you thinking 🤔 , where could emojis be used in Splunk to inject a bit of fun. Why not give your searches and Splunk dashboards a little ❤️ ?
To start, you can use them in searches:
index=main sourcetype=access_combined | eval alt_status = if(status==200,"👍","👎") | stats count by alt_status

You can use them in dashboards:

Response Time single-value panel:index=main sourcetype=access_combined | stats avg(response) as avg_response | eval avg_response=round(avg_response,1) | eval avg_response = avg_response." ".if(avg_response < 30," 👍 "," 👎 ")
Errors single-value panel:index=main sourcetype=access_combined | stats count(eval(status >= 500)) as errors count as total | eval error_rate=round((errors/total)*100,1) | eval alt_status = if(error_rate >= 3, "😕","😄")| fields alt_status
Status Codes table panel:index=main sourcetype=access_combined | stats count by status | eval alt_status = case(status >= 500, "😠",status >=400, "😕", status >= 200, "😄", 1==1,"❓")
Or even using them in alerts (results will vary depending if the target of the alert can handle Unicode). Here’s an email example with the results embedded inline:
Maybe you can live on the wild side and even ask your developers to start using emoji’s in their logs….

Ok, that’s fun and all, but is there a practical use for emoji’s in Splunk? Sure! Why not give your dashboards some more visual eye candy when it comes to location data. You can easily create a lookup that maps Country name to their emoji flag.

Top Country single-value panel:index=main sourcetype="access_combined" | top limit=1 clientip | iplocation clientip | eval Country = if(Country=="", "Unknown", Country) | lookup emoji_flags name as Country OUTPUT emoji | fillnull value="❓" emoji | eval top_country= Country." ".emoji | fields top_country
Requests By Country table panel:index=main sourcetype="access_combined" | stats count by clientip | iplocation clientip | eval Country = if(Country=="", "Unknown", Country) | stats sum(count) as total by Country | lookup emoji_flags name as Country OUTPUT emoji | fillnull value="❓" emoji | sort - total
You can download the flag to emoji lookup CSV here to use in your own searches.
The possibilities are endless! So have some fun with emojis in your dashboards, lets just hope that at no point do your dashboards or data go to 💩 …
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